Patient care is vastly improved

radiologists providing services from anywhere in the country, without the need to be in the same location as the patient.  Available 24/7 for around the clock care.


Instant Access To Specialist

Whenever a particular subspecialist is needed, like a pediatric radiologist, musculoskeletal radiologist, or neuroradiologist, access to them is instant.


Easy to Solicit Other Opinions

Teleradiology can mean the difference between a patient receiving life-changing care or leaving without the proper treatment plan. 


Today’s radiologists are more free agents and have made the market very interesting. A majority of teleradiologists work from home or for several agencies. Prices for teleradiology software have significantly dropped in the past few years, making it more affordable and accessible than ever before.

The teleradiology market has lots of competition, but Maven Imaging is a cut above the rest. We help you find specialized services with radiologists available anytime, from anywhere. 

Contact us for a free quote today.