Medical Imaging Resources

What are the Different Types of Medical Imaging

Jennifer Hutchison


What is medical imaging, and what does it do? These are both big questions! Asking these questions is a good thing because medical imaging and the medical imaging equipment needed plays a very important role in modern health care. Medical imaging describes the techniques that are used to create images of various parts of the body that cannot be viewed with the eye. In other words, with the help of medical imaging, structures inside the body and beneath the skin can be seen, and understood, in great detail.

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Five Things to Look for When Buying a Vet X-Ray Machine

Jennifer Hutchison


Purchasing a new vet x-ray machine is a big decision for any veterinary clinic. The investment can be large, and it needs to last for a long time. Each clinic has its own x-ray needs. It is possible that you need to consider portability, size, technical requirements, and cost.

Consider these 5 things to look for when buying a vet xray machine, and then consult with a knowledgeable vendor.

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What To Know Before You Buy a Chiropractic DR Panel

Jennifer Hutchison


Types of DR Digital Panels

A DR panel stands for Direct Radiography and is the technology that allows you to capture a digital x-ray. DR panels have come a long way in the past 15 years and now come in a variety of sizes, but for the most part, they are cassette-sized. This means that a traditional x-ray system that can use film-based cassettes can now easily be retrofitted with a cassette-sized flat-panel DR system.

Here are some different options currently available with DR panels:

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How much does a Chiropractic Digital X-ray Cost?

Jennifer Hutchison


There are a number of different options for x-ray equipment and your decision will ultimately come from how you intend on using the x-ray system, the size of your x-ray room, and available electrical. While there are a lot of options for x-ray, we are going to focus on the most commonly used within Chiropractic. The x-ray system that is typically installed in a chiropractic office tends to be much different than what you would find in an imaging center or hospital. The nature of this has to do with the types of x-rays taken, the patient volume, and also pricing.

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How to Back-up your Digital X-ray System

Mike Hutchison


One thing that many clinics overlook is making sure that you have a backup copy of your digital x-rays. Most tend to start a backup only after the unfortunate event of losing their data. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as electrical storms, floods, or a computer virus. It is important to be proactive with backing up your digital x-ray system to ensure that your images are safe. It is not only recommended but is a HIPAA requirement. In this article, we will go through some of the options available for digital x-ray backup and some important factors that you will want to consider. 

X-ray images are stored as DICOM images, which is a universal imaging standard in medical imaging. A digital x-ray system will typically come with some type of local storage, which will be located on the acquisition computer, which is what is connected to your DR panel. This storage is typically a PACS system,  which stands for Picture Archive and Communication system. A PACS system is a searchable database of your medical images which can typically be viewed using either a DICOM-based viewer. A PACS system is a great way to store and view your digital x-rays, however, you will still want to consider options for how to back up your images in the event of a disaster. 

What is the best way to back up your digital x-ray system?

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Chiropractic Digital X-ray Measurement Tools

Jennifer Hutchison


There are a number of different chiropractic tools available across multiple vendors and you will want to take into consideration which tools are important to you as you evaluate the products. For the most part, most digital x-ray systems available in the market come with some type of Chiropractic measurement tools. 

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Location & Room Size Requirements for Chiropractic Digital X-ray

Jennifer Hutchison


The very first step is to decide what type of equipment your practice will need and select a room that is appropriate for the x-ray equipment. Site planning requirements may vary by state, so please contact a sales representative at for specific details. You may contact a Maven Imaging representative directly at 800-949-8015.

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Electrical Requirements for a Chiropractic Digital X-Ray Room

Jennifer Hutchison


When installing a digital x-ray system in a chiropractic office, one of the most important things to consider is what type of incoming power you will need for a digital x-ray system. Most x-ray systems require dedicated power and other special requirements. In this article, we will go over the following:

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