The State of Rhode Island Department of Health, Radiation Control manages all licensing, registration, and regulations for portable x-rays in the state.
Medical Imaging Resources
The Department of Environmental Protection, Radiation Protection program manages all licensing, registration, and regulations for portable x-rays in the state of Pennsylvania.
The Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging are in charge of the registration, regulations, and licensing in the state of Oregon.
Oklahoma Environmental Quality, Radiation Management oversees the regulations, registration, and regulations of portable x-rays in the state of Oklahoma.
The Ohio Department of Health is in charge of all the regulations, registration, and licensing related to portable x-rays.
The North Dakota Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy Board and the North Dakota Radiation Control Program manage all portable x-ray equipment, regulations, and licensing in the state.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Service Regulation, Radiation Protection Section manages the licensing, registration, and regulations of portable x-ray equipment in the state.
The Department of Health is responsible for all portable x-ray-related licensing, regulation, and registration in the state of New York.
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) runs the Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Program that oversees portable x-ray registration, licensing, and regulations in the state.