The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for all personnel licensing in the state. The Radiological Health Program manages the registration, inspection, and management of portable x-rays.
Medical Imaging Resources
The Washington State Department of Health oversees x-ray regulation in the state. This includes licensing and registration of equipment.
The Virginia Department of Health, X-ray Program oversees the registration, rules, and regulations of portable x-rays in the state.
In the state of Vermont, the Board of Medical Practice manages all licensing of personnel, and the Radiological Health Program oversees the registration and regulation of portable x-ray machines.
The Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPLY) manages x-ray operator licensing in Utah, and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality handles the registration and regulation of machines.
Texas Health and Human Services manage the registration and regulation of portable x-ray machines. The Texas Medical Board oversees all licensing of x-ray staff.
The Department of Environment and Conservation manages the registration and regulation of portable x-ray equipment. The Board of Health handles all licensing.
The South Dakota Department of Health handles all registration and regulations for portable x-ray equipment in the state.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and the Radiation Quality Standards Association (SCRQSA) is responsible for licensing operators.