X-rays use ionizing radiation, which is harmful to living tissue in high doses. Lead is a material that effectively blocks this type of radiation, so lining the walls of an x-ray room with lead minimizes the amount of radiation that escapes the room.
Medical Imaging Resources
Insurance is not a simple cut-and-dry business. If it was, healthcare wouldn’t be so complex. When it comes time to bill for x-ray services, what can you expect to recoup? The answer depends on a variety of considerations.
Although the traditional x-ray has been around since 1895, digital x-rays weren’t introduced until the mid-1980s. Since then, the industry has become a multi-billion dollar market that is growing at exponential rates.
Advances in the field of medical imaging are not just restricted to humans. Massive strides have been made for our animal friends in radiology, including canine, feline, equine, and avian species. They, too, can reap the benefits of emerging technologies.
There are currently 5,927 urgent care centers in the United States, an increase of 7.9% from last year. It is a business sector that is rapidly expanding, and thus, the need for x-ray equipment follows suit.
X-rays are a natural form of radiation used to capture an image of structures in the body.
Gonadal shielding protects a patient's reproductive organs - the testes, ovaries, or uterus - from radiation exposure during imaging. Typically, this is done by placing a 0.5mm lead-lined vest or cover over the area. How does it work? Radiation waves retract off these lead-lined areas, unable to reach vulnerable body regions.
The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission oversees the registration of portable x-ray machines in the state. The Board of Radiologic Tech Examiners looks after licensing.
The State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services manages all x-ray personnel licensing in the state.