How Much Does a CBCT Machine Cost?

Jul 31, 2024 12:00:00 AM / by Chad Hutchison

Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) machines are revolutionizing dental imaging, offering a 3D view of the jawbone, teeth, and surrounding structures. This technology empowers dentists to diagnose complex dental issues, plan implant procedures more precisely, and improve overall patient care. 

However, the initial investment that is required to obtain a CBCT machine can be a significant concern for dental practices. 

So, How Much Does a Dental CBCT Machine Cost?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer. The cost of a dental CBCT machine can vary depending on several factors but generally falls within the range of $50,000 to $150,000 for new machines. Keep in mind that financing may also be available for some machines or various payment plan options. 

Average Cost of a New Dental CBCT Machine

Expect to pay somewhere between $75,000 and $150,000 for a new dental CBCT machine. This price range can fluctuate depending on the specific features and capabilities of the machine.

Average Cost of a Used Dental CBCT Machine

Used CBCT machines can offer a more affordable option, with costs ranging from $30,000 to $75,000. However, when evaluating a used machine, it's crucial to consider factors like the machine's age, condition, warranty availability, and potential maintenance costs.

While the headline cost of a new or used CBCT machine is significant, it's essential to factor in additional expenses to get a complete picture of your investment. Here's a breakdown of some ongoing costs to consider:

  • Maintenance: Regular preventive maintenance is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your CBCT machine. Maintenance contracts typically involve qualified technicians performing periodic checkups, calibrations, and software updates. These costs can vary depending on the service provider and the specific CBCT machine model.
  • Calibration and Quality Control: Maintaining image quality and diagnostic accuracy requires regular calibration of the CBCT machine. These calibrations should be performed at specified intervals according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Factor in the cost of calibration phantoms and potential service fees associated with the calibration process.
  • Dosimetry Monitoring and Radiation Safety: Dental CBCT machines utilize ionizing radiation for image acquisition. Monitoring radiation exposure is vital for safety and regulatory compliance. Budget for dosimetry badges for staff and potentially invest in a phantom for dose verification to ensure your CBCT machine operates within safe radiation parameters.
  • IT Infrastructure and Software Updates: CBCT machines generate significant imaging data. Ensure your IT infrastructure has adequate storage capacity and processing power to handle this data efficiently. Factor in potential software upgrade costs to stay current with advancements in image processing, rendering capabilities, and security features.

Carefully evaluating your financial situation and exploring financing options can make acquiring a CBCT machine a more manageable investment.

What Affects the Price of a CBCT Machine? Various Cost Factors

Several factors influence the price tag of a dental CBCT machine. Here's a closer look at some key considerations:

  • Field of View (FOV): CBCT machines offer varying field-of-view (FOV) sizes. A larger FOV allows for capturing a wider area in a single scan, which can be beneficial for complex procedures like full-arch implant planning. However, CBCT machines with larger FOVs tend to be more expensive.
  • Features and Functionality: Dental CBCT machines come with a range of features, such as low-dose scanning options, advanced image processing software, and 3D rendering capabilities. The more advanced the features, the higher the cost of the machine.
  • Warranty: A comprehensive warranty provides peace of mind by covering repairs or replacements in case of machine malfunctions. Extended warranties typically come at an additional cost.
  • Rapid Scanning Protocols: Some CBCT machines offer rapid scanning protocols significantly reducing scan times. This can be a valuable feature for patient comfort and workflow efficiency, but it might also increase the machine's overall cost.
  • Brand Reputation: Well-established brands in the dental imaging industry might command a premium price compared to lesser-known brands. However, established brands often offer superior customer service, reliable technical support, and a proven track record of machine performance.
  • Installation and Training Costs: When budgeting for a CBCT machine, factor in the cost of installation and staff training. These additional costs can vary depending on the complexity of the system and the vendor's service offerings.

Purchasing a dental CBCT machine is a strategic decision that can transform your practice. By carefully considering the cost factors, ongoing expenses, financing options, and the long-term value proposition, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your practice's goals and budget.

Beyond the Price Tag: Additional Considerations for a Smart Investment

While cost is crucial, it shouldn't be the sole deciding element when purchasing a dental CBCT machine. Here are some additional considerations for a long-term, successful investment:

  • Align Features with Your Needs: Carefully evaluate your practice's specific needs and workflow. Don't overspend on features you might not utilize regularly.
  • Consider Upgradeability: If your practice is likely to grow in the future, choose a CBCT machine that offers upgradeability options to accommodate future needs.
  • Service and Support: Reliable service and technical support are essential for maintaining optimal machine performance and resolving any technical issues that might arise. Choose a vendor with a strong reputation for after-sales support.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): While the initial cost might seem significant, consider the potential return on investment (ROI) a CBCT machine can bring. Increased efficiency, improved case acceptance for complex procedures, and enhanced patient care can all contribute to a positive ROI over time.

Equipping Your Practice for Success

Investing in a dental CBCT machine is a strategic decision that can significantly elevate your practice's diagnostic capabilities, treatment planning accuracy, and overall patient care. By understanding the cost factors, considering your specific needs, and focusing on long-term value, you can make an informed decision that empowers your practice to thrive in the competitive dental landscape.

Maven Imaging: Your Partner in Advanced Dental X-Ray Solutions

At Maven Imaging, we understand the importance of having access to reliable and advanced dental imaging technology. We offer a comprehensive range of high-quality dental CBCT machines from leading manufacturers. Our experienced team can help you navigate the selection process, identify the CBCT machine that best aligns with your practice's needs and budget, and ensure a smooth installation and training process. 

Explore our collection of dental imaging equipment, or contact Maven Imaging today to discuss your specific requirements. We look forward to partnering with you in achieving your dental imaging goals!

Tags: CBCT

Chad Hutchison

Written by Chad Hutchison

Founder and CEO of Maven Imaging, Chad Hutchison has been in the medical imaging equipment market since 2003. As his business grew, he pioneered buying and selling medical equipment online and eventually began offering leasing and financing to meet market demands and help customers. His market expertise goes beyond traditional medical imaging and finance support, as he’s spearheading cloud-based lending solutions for vendors across the sector.