Maven Imaging Digital X-ray Learning Hub

California Portable X-ray Regulations

Written by Chad Hutchison | Dec 12, 2022 10:34:08 AM

The Radiological Health Branch (RHB) enforces all of the laws related to x-rays in the state of California. This includes:

  • Licensing of radioactive equipment
  • Certification of industrial x-ray users
  • Inspections

They are also responsible for the Radiation Control Law (RCL). The RCL is codified in the California Health and Safety Code, sections 114960 through 115273.

X-ray License in California

The RHB licenses users of radioactive material and registers people possessing generally licensed devices (GLD) containing radioactive materials. For more, visit the RHB licensing page.

Registering an X-ray Device

Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations requires every individual who acquires portable radiation equipment to register with the Radiologic Health Branch (RBH) within 30 days of the date of purchase. Here’s more on X-ray Machine Registration in California. 

It should also be noted that the state of California also routinely inspects x-ray devices without notice (CCR Title 17. • Form RH 2364). So it’s critical you keep inspections up to date.

Regulations for Portable X-ray Equipment

Regulations for a portable x-ray in California are primarily written for the dental industry, but apply to anyone using this type of device. The regulations are as follows:

  • Unit must be FDA approved 
  • Have a valid exemption (from the prohibition on holding X-ray tube housing) issued by the RHB
  • Permanently fixed manufacturer-provided backscatter shield is not less than 0.25 mm lead equivalent
  • Personnel monitoring devices are worn
  • All staff receives training in the safe use of portable x-ray systems

Disclaimer: The information in this document is solely for reference material. Regulations change often. To be sure of the most up-to-date laws, contact your local and state agencies.

Additional Resources

For questions regarding GLDs (generally licensed devices) send your question to

California Radiology License

MS 7610

P.O. Box 997414

Sacramento, California 95899-7414

(916) 327-5106

Department of Health Services 

Radiological Health Branch, MS 7610

P.O. Box 997414

Sacramento, CA 95899-7414

(916) 327-5106